VIDEO | The former policewoman involved in the Tate brothers’ case left the Capital Police custody on Thursday to attend her grandfather’s funeral / „We are innocent. It’s a file made-up from abroad”

Publicat: 12/01/2023, 19:55
Actualizat: 12/01/2023, 19:57

The former policewoman involved in the Tate brothers’ case, Luana Alexandra Radu, left, on Thursday, the central detention centre of the Capital Police to attend her grandfather’s funeral.

Luana Alexandra Radu was brought, on Thursday, around noon, by a police escort, to the cemetery in Sector 2 where her grandfather will be buried.

After getting out of the police van, the former policewoman from Police Station 7 claimed in front of the journalists that she was innocent and that the DIICOT file „is fabricated”.

„We are innocent. It’s a totally fabricated file from abroad,” she said, on her way to the chapel where her grandfather was.

The former policewoman ordered a wreath of flowers with the message „I will never forget you. Your granddaughter Luana”.

The former policewoman from Bucharest’s Police Station 7 has been remanded in custody along with brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate, in the case of human trafficking and rape.

Luana Radu is suspected that, after a period of working in the videochat studio, she became one of the henchmen of brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate, whom she helped to sexually exploit other women recruited by her bosses using the „loverboy” method.

The Brits Andrew and Tristan Tate, a former policewoman from Police Station 7 and another Romanian woman were detained by the DIICOT prosecutors on December 29, following searches. The next day, the Bucharest Court ruled that all four should be remanded in custody for 30 days.

Following the court’s decision, brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate, as well as the two Romanian women, were taken to the Capital Police Detention Centre.

Twelve days later, on 10 January, they asked to be released, contesting the preventive detention measure, but their request was definitively rejected by the Bucharest Court of Appeal.

The DIICOT prosecutors identified six victims

Andrew and Tristan Tate are suspected that, together with the former policewoman from Police Station 7 in Bucharest and another Romanian woman, they „established an organised criminal group with a view to committing the crime of trafficking in human beings in Romania, as well as in other countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom”.

Investigators revealed that six victims have been identified so far, all recruited through the loverboy method.

„They were then transported and housed in buildings located in Ilfov county where, through the exercise of physical violence and psychological coercion (through intimidation, constant surveillance, control and the invocation of alleged debts), they were sexually exploited by members of the group and being forced to engage in pornographic acts with a view to producing and disseminating material of that nature via social media platforms and by being forced to perform forced labour in order to gain substantial financial benefits consisting in sums of money obtained as a result of users accessing the material”, the DIICOT announced.


Andrei Dumitrescu
Andrei Dumitrescu este un jurnalist specializat în realizarea de articole legate, în special, de activitatea Ministerului Afacerilor Interne și toate mai mult
Otilia Serescu
Absolventă a Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, Facultatea de Jurnalism și Științe ale Comunicării, Otilia Serescu a debutat în mai mult
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